Monday, October 02, 2006


Sorry for the lack of updates. I could have done a few posts, but all of them would have simply consisted of several shapshots of myself crafting and camping shops. That's about all I've been doing...

I'm making steady progress to the 2 million gil I'll need for the Maneater. I'm currently at 1.33 mil and have a few more stacks of Poison Potion, which if sold at the 30k average will bring me to close to 1.5 mil. I'll let the Poison Potion market cool down a bit and move on to Black Ink this evening, fishing up Nebs on the ferry.

The 2 million should be reached around the end of the work-week, freeing me up for...anything other than crafting for a bit.


Anonymous said...

haha at least they made the nice update where you can synth a few p.pots at a time :D

actually try that maneater enm, it isn't hard and... nice xp. you fight a super fast rabbit inside, but any weapon skill can chunk it a good 30%

Paul Bauman said...

Hmmm... Maybe I should try that out with a couple of people from my LS. All that running around in Attowah Chasm doesn't sound fun though.